3 qualities of excellent early childhood education program teachers

Enrolling your child in an early childhood education program can give them an advantage when they enter their elementary years. This is because the educators who are employed in such settings will create the ideal learning environment for your child! Here are some qualities that ensure excellence in teaching early childhood education.

1. A Formal Education

Excellence in an early childhood education program starts with highly trained teachers. Instructors in the program should have a Master’s Degree, as it provides them with the basic skill set they need to design and execute lesson plans for various subjects.

A Master’s program teaches future educators a variety of pedagogic theories as well as the history of education in the United States, giving them a background of their profession. On top of this, acclaimed universities ensure candidates are taught how to create lesson plans that are both engaging and academic.

2. A Love of Teaching

One of the key qualities of an early childhood instructor that points to excellence is that they love what they do. An educator who is excited about their work engages young learners, and their excitement about education becomes contagious. A teacher with a positive attitude will likely have a classroom full of instructive yet engaging posters and charts as well as a soft carpet for reading time. They will also have a variety of toys so your child has the opportunity to engage with their peers in their classroom.

3. A Creative Edge

Educators who strive to reach every student using creative approaches are teachers of excellence. They strive to get to know each child in their class to understand individual learning styles better and create lesson plans that can be adapted to every pupil. Every young student should have this type of engaging experience in the classroom!

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 63% of three- to five-year-olds were enrolled in an early childhood education program. To ensure that your child has the academic advantage they need, it’s essential that they are enrolled in a program that focuses on excellence and that hires the best teachers.

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