man stressed at work

4 Things to Consider When Changing Careers

Advancements in artificial intelligence and computing technology have disrupted the labor market in recent years, and more changes are to be expected. Multiple studies have posited that up to half of all jobs are at risk of automation soon, potentially displacing hundreds of millions of people. To ensure stability in the face of uncertainty, you might want to consider a career change.

People change careers for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps you started in marketing but discovered a love for baking. Or maybe you’ve identified gaps in your skillset, and you want to go to a test automation school to rectify that. Or that job you’ve had for the last few decades has been rendered obsolete by automation. Regardless of your reasons, I’m here to help you on your journey to a new career.

An uncertain labor market and fast-changing market trends force us to adapt and take risks, and career changes have become the new normal. Here are a few things you should bear in mind when preparing for a career change:

1. Start with your passions

If you’re looking for a new career, you might as well start with something you actually like. Many people let their jobs define them, at the expense of their individuality. While it’s important to know the benefits and drawbacks of your old career, you also need to take time to think about the kinds of things you enjoy doing in your spare time.

After all, there might be a way to turn your passion into a career. Make a list of all the things you enjoy doing – whether it’s cooking, art, music, or even an obscure hobby.

people shaking hands

2. Evaluate yourself

If you haven’t decided on a new career path yet, a self-evaluation can help clarify some things. You need to know what you’re looking for, and listing down what you like and don’t like about your current job can narrow down your focus. Every job has its own pros and cons, and if you know what you want in your next career, then the transition will be smoother for everyone involved.

3. Consider alternative branches within your current path

Just because you’re dissatisfied with your current job doesn’t mean you have to forsake the entire field altogether. Perhaps there are aspects of your dream career that you can find in a related branch of your current job. For instance, if you’re a trained cook but hate working in a restaurant setting, you might want to look for a low-stress setting instead.

4. Do the math

It’s easy to get carried away when dreaming about a career change, but you also need to consider your real-life situation. You might have identified a new career path, but if your financial situation is a bit precarious, you might want to hold off on quitting your current job for a bit. Or maybe you want to work as a freelancer, but that might entail a substantial downsizing of your current lifestyle. Always consider your finances.

These pointers will help you decided whether or not a career change is the right decision for you. Just thinking about a new career can fill some people with dread, but you need to be careful and methodical about how you deal with such a thing.

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