6 reasons to read to your child regularly at home

If we were to list all the reasons reading to your preschooler on a regular basis is a good idea, the list would seem nearly endless. Indeed, according to United Way, by just two years old, children who are read to regularly enjoy higher language comprehension, larger vocabularies, and increased cognitive skills compared to peers. Given these benefits, we’ve put together a guide for parents.

1. Lead by Example

When you read to your children, you’re leading by example. Little ones often emulate their parents and when they see you reading, they’ll be more likely to read themselves. Highly cultivated reading skills can pay off in life, so paving the way for your loved ones now could pay off for decades to come.

2. Spend Quality Time Together

Spending time with your little ones is good for parents and children alike. Reading is a great option for quality time. Little ones will love the stories, and parents will love the love they feel. You’re also helping them develop skills that will prove crucial throughout life. In other words, you’ll be checking off a lot of boxes at once.

3. Enjoy Expanded Language Skills

Read through a guide for parents and you’ll quickly learn how important reading is for language. Children will pick up new words quite quickly, but you can supercharge their language skills through reading. You’ll be exposing them to more words in a way that is easier to understand. Beyond simple words, you’ll also be demonstrating sentence structure.

4. Hone Critical Thinking Skills

Listening to words and learning how they’re pieced together is also a fantastic mental workout for children. Reading to your preschooler may help with math and other areas of learning that don’t even focus on reading. It’s a great way to enhance their critical thinking skills.

5. Unleash Creative Potential

Children’s stories typically center on the imagination. By reading to your children, you can encourage creative skills and their imagination. If your preschooler later becomes an artist or an accomplished storyteller, the time you spent reading to them may have played a crucial role.

6. Help Children Settle Down

Reading is a relaxing activity and one that encourages quiet and focus. Bedtime stories have been a staple for parents for a long time and can help little ones calm down for a nap or a long night’s sleep. Ultimately, this can pay off for preschooler and parents alike.

If reading isn’t already a regular part of the routine, make sure you pick up the books soon. It’s never too early to start reading to preschooler and even infants can benefit.

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