What are the Consequences of Plagiarism and Cheating for College Students?

In academic writing, plagiarism is considered a serious offense. Students who plagiarize use another person’s ideas without acknowledging them. Cheating is another serious offense that affects many college students. It is the use of information, sources, or devices to complete academic work without permission.

The main form of cheating is copying formulas or answers during exams. Plagiarism and cheating have serious consequences in college. A student could be expelled, probated, penalized, or forced to repeat a course.

Loss of student reputation

You might have a good reputation in the entire college. Unfortunately, one plagiarized paper can change everything. The professor may decide to record the incident in the university books. The matter may also reach the desk of the college integrity committee. The committee will be free to decide whatever punishment is fit for you. Even if you are lucky not to be expelled, your student’s reputation could be damaged.

Whenever you are writing a paper in college, you should take plagiarism issues seriously. Due to the damage it can cause to your study and future life, avoid it at all costs. Use the information as a source for ideas. If you must quote or use some information, acknowledge the writer. Sometimes you could plagiarize unintentionally, but still, you cannot escape it. You must check your work online for originality. Go to this plagiarism checker on FixGerald to scan for originality and to fix grammar mistakes. You will be certain your work is original, and you will be free from the consequences.

Term fail

Term failure is a serious consequence that could adversely impact your study. You could lose all your hard work even if you are about to complete an academic year. Some colleges use the term fail as a punishment for students entangled in plagiarism. You are refused to take exams, and thus you have to repeat an entire year.

You could get expelled

Sometimes the discipline committee may have completely lost trust in you. They may cancel your paper and expel you from the college. Your only option will be to write to another college for admission. It means you will have to start from the first year, even if you were in the fourth year. Treat every paper you are assigned seriously, and make sure it is original.

Your professional reputation could be affected

The consequences of plagiarism and cheating might follow you into your professional life. You might be allowed to complete college and get your papers. However, the information in your student records could be damaging. In the future, you could climb the career ladder and become a public figure. You could be a politician, CEO, ambassador, or another high-ranking individual.

If someone wants to destroy your reputation, they could use your plagiarism offense to attack you. The matter can attract public attention, and you could be forced to step down. You could become a great writer in the future. The plagiarism or cheating you committed in college could affect your credibility.

Legal consequences

After plagiarism, you could be found to have breached copyright laws. It might have involved writing one line, paragraph, or more. Copyright infringement gives the rights owner the power to sue you in court. This is a possibility that a student cannot ignore. It might affect their study or chances of getting a college degree.

You could get additional assignments to do

The discipline committee could be lenient with you and settle for a simpler punishment. One of them could be writing additional papers. They could give you specific titles or let you choose. The aim is to help you always remember how serious plagiarism is. They also want you to be remorseful and prove you have accepted your mistake.

Take it as an excellent advantage to you for several reasons. You will not lose your student, academic, or professional reputation. The additional tasks might take you many hours to complete. However, it will help you improve your writing and research skills. The next time you write a paper, you will be careful with the information you use. During exams, you will be careful not to cheat.


students discussing about their academic papers

The offense of plagiarism can have serious consequences for a student. The learner could be expelled from college or lose an entire year. They could be asked to write another paper or could lose their reputation in different fields. Students need to make sure they only submit original papers. Copyright owners have a right to sue the learner for compensation. Learners should use plagiarism-checking software to ensure their work is original.

Author’s Bio

Sylvester Greer is passionate about helping students find the true meaning of writing. He treats writing as both a science and an art that can be mastered only through practice and great mentorship. This shows up well in the assignments he prepares to help students with samples. His career as an author and writer stands out because of this approach.

About the Author



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