Career Corner

5 Must-know Things for First-time Franchise Owners

Over the past couple of years, franchises grew by more than 2% annually as opposed to businesses starting from scratch. The benefits of a franchise, especially for first-time business owners, are incomparable. It already has a well-known brand. It has a system you only need to follow. You don’t have to worry about research and

Stressed student studying in the classroom

Crush the Panic: Making School Deadlines Less Stressful

Being a student can be stressful. On top of your homework, you will have to prepare for graded recitations and group work. However, being a student exposes you to some realities of life, which you will encounter when you start working. If you are a high school student or someone pursuing an online paralegal certification,

kids with parents

Give Your Kids A Running Start In Life

You see it all the time, in the news and on the TV – thousands of young graduates having to settle for mediocre jobs to make ends meet. And so, you wonder, why would a bunch of highly educated people settle for minimum wage jobs? What is going on there? What did they go wrong?

learning children

Everything Starts at Home: Helping Your Child Make Friends at School

Every parent understands the importance of making friends at school. Friends allow us to improve our self-esteem, enrich our lives, and offer moral support during those times when we need to memorize poems and multiplication tables. In fact, making friends at school is equally as important as getting straight A’s in terms of development. The

Employees celebrating

Grow Your Bottom Line by Refining Your Marketing Skills

Successful businesses recognise that the ability to keep the sales volume high is their lifeblood. As such, they pull all stops to refine their ability to keep their customers loyal. It’s no secret that running a successful business is tied to your ability to recruit new customers and retain current ones. You need to convince

Fingerprints of the suspect

Unchangeable and Unique: Fingerprints in Crime Investigation

A fingerprint match means investigators are one step closer toward apprehending a suspect, locating a victim or uncovering the circumstances behind a crime. With intact ridges and swirls, they can narrow down the search to a single individual. In fact, experts can use them to track one person, even decades after he or she left

Law student studying

Lost in Law: How to Find the Right Legal Career

Some of the most popular college majors that Americans take can prepare them for a career in law. From political science to humanities, law schools welcome students from college courses. And, it seems like many people are taking advantage of this. The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) reported that 60,401 people applied for law school this

Truck driver using his cellphone and ipad

Things to Consider When Applying as a Truck Driver

Industry experts see truck driving as one of the fastest growing occupations in the country today. It also plays a huge role in today’s economy by accounting for 70% of inland freight delivered by trucks. But truck driving job openings may vary on work hours and earnings, depending on its complexity. So, staffing agencies like

Worker in protective gear

Five High-paying Jobs with Minimal Training

Most white-collar jobs will require a college degree, but those jobs are limited and the competition is fierce. On the other hand, blue-collar jobs require minimal training and the U.S. is facing a shortage of workers. Wages are rising, and some blue-collar jobs pay more than standard office salaries. Table of Contents 1. Truck Driver2.

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