9 Educational Apps No Students Can Live Without

Technology plays a vital role in today’s education. Not only are classrooms equipped innovative devices, improving delivery of lessons. The market also has millions of apps with billions of downloads on Apple alone. Apps are crucial for businesses, employees, parents and students. With the right apps, students may learn better and enjoy the process of learning.

They may not have to spend hours looking for books in the library or writing long notes by hand. Because programs can do those tasks, speeding up the process.

A number of cool apps also make classes more effective and fun. And most importantly, you can save time thanks to them. What apps should you download?

1.  Microsoft To Do

The top of the best study tools cannot but include the well-known product from Microsoft. And this is a to-do checklist, which has become the prototype for many planners. It is super simple: the user creates lists with tasks (one line stands for one task) and marks them as they are completed. Another amazing function is setting reminders for due dates. Thus, with Microsoft To Do, you will always remember about papers, essays, or necessary consultations before exams.

However, even geniuses of planning sometimes fail to manage it all. Since the study load gets bigger with each semester, more and more students appreciate outsourcing for all its pros. And for a good reason, as the specialists from BuyEssayGo will fulfill all your requirements at the highest level. Therefore, you will be finally free from anxiety while the teacher will be pleased with your performance.

2.  Timetable

No doubt, we were used to writing down the schedule in a diary, which we often lost or forgot somewhere. Fortunately, things are different now since everything can be saved on a smartphone. Download the Timetable app to be always aware of what is happening at school. The schedule of lessons, teachers’ names and homework can now be successfully organized in one place.

Thanks to the application, you can enjoy upgraded self-organization and a tide mind. Well, perhaps the main rule of diligent students is to hand in assignments on time and have excellent attendance.

3.  XMind

If you are looking for an alternative to paper notes, here is the perfect solution. Do you know how mind maps work? This method is proved to be quite effective when organizing information.

XMind displays all your notes in the form of a diagram, like a tree with several branches. You can turn to it to remember tenses in French, create a thesis plan, or write down the main royal dynasties of the 17th century.

Moreover, you can add links, photos and audio files to your notes. Sounds like a perfect notebook, right?

4.  Photomath

If you struggle to finish your math homework on time, download Photomath. It is quite user-friendly: just scan a task (it doesn’t matter if it is written by hand, the main thing is that it is legible), press one button – and voila, a detailed solution, broken down into steps, is ready.

Photomath is a real helper. The app gives a complete and detailed solution to most equations, explaining algorithms and methods. In general, Photomath is a cool option for those who missed classes due to illness or want to prepare for exams on their own.

5.  ABBYY Lingvo

The well-known online dictionary and translator ABBYY Lingvo is sure to come in handy when learning languages. The program translates not only words but also whole pieces of text.

If there is no opportunity for you to enter text by hand, ABBYY Lingvo will translate it thanks to your camera. Plus, it can also work in an offline mode. Just download the needed vocabulary in advance.

6.  Flashcards World

Mastering foreign languages will surely go smoothly if you have this app installed. A simple and convenient program enables you to create your own dictionary using flashcards.

Compiling an individual set of cards is also handy in case you have an important test. Flashcards World also allows you to mix cards so that you will quickly test yourself.

In a word, this application is for those who are tired of sticking cards on all surfaces of the house and want to collect them in one place.

7.  Coursera

If you want to expand your horizons or improve your knowledge in specific subjects, start your big journey with Coursera. This platform cooperates with truly prestigious schools. It offers a ton of courses from IT and the exact sciences to the humanities, economics, law, and more.

The project also allows you to get trained and pass official exams of such vendor companies as Google, SAS, IBM, and many others, confirming your knowledge with an international certificate. The duration of each course varies depending on its complexity and ranges from 4 weeks or more.

8.  SpeechTexter

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Teachers often talk too quickly, so writing everything they say becomes a tough challenge. That is why a voice recorder that converts speech to text on the fly will be your salvation. The program is based on the time-tested Cloud Speech API speech recognition technology used in Google Assistant and other company products.

As a result, SpeechTexter recognizes human speech and converts it into text format. Moreover, the application can work without an Internet connection. To activate the offline mode, you need to download the appropriate language packs.

9.  Pomodoro Timer

If you can’t find a balance between work and leisure, then the Pomodoro Timer extension is just for you. It organizes study sessions according to this principle: 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. If it doesn’t suit you, install the frames according to your preferences.

The timer will let you know when you should make a pause and recharge your batteries.

Another plus is that the extension has a minimalistic design and doesn’t take up much space on the screen. It really helps to avoid burnout and its extreme, that is, procrastination.

Apps and Learning

The most popular learning problems may be addressed by apps. The first is self-organization.

In a world where everything seems to distract us (from loud roommate conversations to funny videos or your own laziness), you need a tool to focus and see your list of priorities. Therefore, planners, organizers, and timers will support you more than ever.

The second is a banal lack of time and effort. Thus, if you don’t have the opportunity to hire a tutor, the app will literally become one for you.

And third is the search for a platform with quality knowledge. Fortunately, you will find it on the list, too, so good luck with testing all these handy tools.

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