Pointers for Career Development

A career takes more than 30 years in the making. As a result, it requires consistency, discipline, effort, and resilience. With that in mind, let us look at three tips to make this journey much more rewarding and fruitful.

Training and the Acquisition of Knowledge

Knowing how to speak two languages will never be better than knowing three. Of course, if you can speak English and Spanish like a native, you will have a sizable advantage over somebody who can speak English, Spanish, and French but at a much lower level. The key is finding the right balance between the number of skills you have and the depth of knowledge you possess.

As an HR manager in charge of recruiting an IT specialist, would you rather hire somebody with a long list of IT certifications or someone with fewer but with a great deal of experience? There is no right answer to this, and other questions as most things in life are circumstantial.

Still, one thing is for certain. You should never stop learning. There are two types of knowledge. On the one hand, we have Realistic Training Options, which will help you change to a better company or get that promotion you want. On the other, there are skills you get to grow as an individual.

Both are important. But you should be clear about the distinction. This will avoid frustration and disappointment in the future and prevent you from wasting your time.

Only Accept What You Can Manage

We all need challenges in life. Challenges have a way of making us do more than we thought we could. They also build character and make us stronger and more resilient.

But there is a difference between a challenge and doing something impossible. No matter how much money I need for myself or my family or how motivated I am, I cannot simultaneously take on five different jobs. After all, a day only has 24 hours, and I also need to sleep, eat, do chores, and run errands.


Many times, people at work say yes to everything that is thrown at them. There are several reasons for this. First, they want to impress their superiors. They believe by always saying yes, their bosses will think they are disciplined and hard-working.

Second, they are looking to climb up the corporate ladder and get a better position with more benefits. Finally, some staff members want to test themselves and see how far they can push their boundaries and achieve them.

There is nothing wrong with desiring to be the best you can be. The problem comes when you overpromise but cannot deliver. It is then that ambition becomes counterproductive. Instead of respect, people will see you as unreliable and even lazy.

So challenge yourself to be greater and do more. But be mindful of your limits. A career is a long process. You don’t want to burn out halfway to the end.

Put In The Work

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences holds the Oscars every year. The most popular awards are those for best picture, best actor and actress in a leading role, and best director. Members of the Academy vote on the individuals and movies they deem most worthy of becoming nominees.

Many people might not know that even though these movies have been playing at cinemas the year before the ceremony, they have wrapped production way before that, sometimes even two to three years. This means that a great actor will put in the performance of his life in most cases but only get rewarded for it years later.

The same thing happens at work and in your career. Promotions will not come knocking at your door after six months of excellence. Sometimes they might not even come at all. But, as long as you put in the work, something else may, something better.

If you want to succeed, put in the work all the time. If your wish is to become a certified public accountant, make sure your effort is there every day and every minute of every class. As an engineer, don’t slack off when the boss is not watching. Recognition and success are matters of consistency and patience.

If you ask ten different people about what it takes to have a successful career, they will give you ten different answers. They are all valid. Still, some tried and tested principles have stayed relevant over time. They are training, adequate time management, and effort.

By doing all three, you will have a significant advantage over your peers, and your career path will be filled with accomplishments.

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