Student Center

Grammar Corner: What’s The Difference Between Aid vs. Aide

The words “aid” and “aide” are separated by one letter in terms of spelling, sound the same, and have a meaning that intersects at one point, so it’s easy to understand why some people mix the two up. After all, an aide’s job is to aid, but not all aid comes from an aide. Does

Grammar Corner: What’s The Difference Between Already vs. All Ready?

Is it right to say that your group is all ready to leave for your trip, or are you already to take your upcoming English exam? For those whose first language isn’t English or are just starting to learn, you may find that some English homonyms are difficult to tell apart and figure out which

Father reading to his two children

School Culture: 3 Ways to Encourage Students to Read for Pleasure

Young readers make better students. When kids read, they are able to expand their vocabulary, understand grammar, sharpen creative skills, and know more about the world. The goal of every good teacher is not just to teach students the skills of reading, but also impart to them the discipline and art of it. That in

Who Really Invented Homework

Debunking the Myth of Roberto Nevilis: Who Really Invented Homework?

For those of us who have attended a formal education setting, you might remember the frustration of getting homework from most of your teachers. Before class ends, your teacher instructs your class to answer a certain page of your book or to write an essay about the topic you had just discussed. Some of us

kids at the day care centre

A Look into Day Care Centres and the Associated Benefits

Day care centres provide relief to parents and guardians who find it impossible to be physically present with their kids throughout the day. There are different reasons for that, which include work-related duties or even school matters. At that point, guardians are only left with two options: hiring a babysitter or taking their kids to

College students

Why it Matters to Take College Prep Programs

Getting into a college or a university of your choice is essential in molding your future. It will guide you through the path you’re planning to be armed with as you enter the real world. This is why it is important to make preparations to get into the school you’ve always wanted. Along with maintaining good

taking an online course

Beyond the Diploma: Benefits to Gain from Taking Online Courses

Technology has given us a lot of options when it comes to education. When it comes to online courses in particular, we now have plenty of choices and potential career landings. As long as we stick to our studies, we can gain a diploma or certification in any specialization so that we can work in

Classroom at school

Finding the Right School for Your Child

It has long been established that education is a human right that everyone is entitled to. The right education provides people with the opportunity to grow and develop into critical thinkers that have the capacity to better their lives. However, there is still prejudice towards certain groups of people that make education a privilege that

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CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Study Notes: What Is Adware?

Advertising malware, also commonly known as adware, is one type of malware that you probably know about because you see it every time you go online. Adware basically displays unwanted ads usually in an intrusive, irritating, and sometimes dangerous way. While adware is not outright dangerous, some forms of adware can compromise your system’s security

Kicking Off Your College Preparations While You’re in High School

You’d usually think that you’re better off spending your high school years having fun with your friends and enjoying life in general because the moment you hit college, you won’t be able to do all of these activities. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be preparing for the future. In fact, it’s highly recommended

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