Smart Choices You Make Today for a Brighter Career Tomorrow

Did you know that not taking more initiative is the most common regret made in career decisions? People seem to regret the time they wasted by not seeking more opportunities to grow personally and professionally. However, there are many ways you can avoid this regret.

For starters, you can try to take on a different role or more than one role. For example, let’s say you’re a content writer. If you wanted to take more initiative to advance in your career, you could take a role as a social media manager. The written materials required for blogs and social media are different. However, you can use the same set of skills to convert and drive traffic.

You can also try to ask for feedback. But it doesn’t end there — you have to act on it, too. Feedback is useless if it falls on deaf ears. It goes in one way and out the other. So, the more prudent decision to make is to reflect and see how you can do better next time.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions. If something doesn’t appear clear to you, go ahead and ask for more details. If something in the meeting sparked your creativity and motivation, engage. Don’t be scared to raise your hand because you might regret staying silent later on.

Career-based regrets are natural. There’s nothing you can do to avoid them altogether, but you can make better decisions. If you want to improve your career prospects, then it’s time to take notes of some of the strategies you can apply.

Cultivate Your Connections

Some social media platforms nowadays are geared specifically for professionals. But instead of flexing your breakfast or posting a collage of selfies, people talk about various industries and current affairs on these platforms instead. Here, people can cultivate connections to find leads, generate sales, and find business partners.

These social media channels are a powerful resource of value, as well as job opportunities. You can find and connect with people from various industries and learn from them. Here, people can post, publish articles, and even organize polls. As you create your profile, make sure you include a comprehensive resume with your educational and work background.

The best part about it is that professionals worldwide use professional social networking platforms to showcase their published works, finished projects, and milestones. Many employers use these sites to gauge a candidate for any job. They can even be used as an online portfolio.

woman using her laptop

Work on Your Online Portfolio

Online portfolios are becoming more and more popular. Prospective employers are now looking for links to your published or accomplished works instead of actual files. It also gives an excellent first impression that shows your online presence and that you’re more than just a resume.

These portfolios are convenient and accessible. With an online portfolio, you can lead the world to some of your best works. So, what can you do to spice things up?

One thing you have to master in any craft is storytelling. You catch attention when you tell a story; that’s why your portfolio should take your readers and viewers on a journey. Simplify the experience by using categories. Of course, consider only some of your best works.

Work on Your Resume

The resume is an attention-grabbing document that can either make or break your job application. It’s the only way to demonstrate your skills and experience that show how fitting you are for the job. It’s the first thing that decides whether you even get called for an interview.

To improve your career prospects, you have to work on your resume. This doesn’t end with making sure that it looks presentable. What matters in an outline is the “meat” — that’s your academic background, work experience, and license and certifications.

Now, most people will tell you to ahead and apply for a new license or certification. However, have you considered any of your past training and experiences? You might have taken classes in the past that you can leverage to improve your resume.

For example, you can get a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Certification to account for some of the engagements you had in the past. If you have experience volunteering or heading clean-up and donation drives, you can get a diploma in community services. You can even get an RPL in business if you have experience working in management or supervisory positions.

Developing our career paths can take many shapes and forms. There is no definitive rule for how you do it. However, you can make some smart choices today so that you have a brighter career tomorrow. Cultivate connections, work on your online portfolio, and beef up your resume.

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