Student Center

child writing on a paper

Essay Writing Tips: What Students Must Learn

A well-written essay should be clear and concise. Ideas in the essay should come out clearly without the reader struggling to understand what you’re trying to mean. Unfortunately, writing an essay is challenging for most students. As a compulsory academic writing assignment, you must practice and be consistent with each piece to get a good

Things to Keep in Mind When Preparing for Math Olympiad

Anyone who has taken part in MATHCOUNTS, The American Mathematics Competitions, Math Prize for Girls, or any other math competition can say with confidence that it can be just as exciting as any extreme activity. Top competitors in many of these competitions walk away with financial awards or scholarships, and competitors also learn valuable life

stundent using his laptop

9 Educational Apps No Students Can Live Without

Technology plays a vital role in today’s education. Not only are classrooms equipped innovative devices, improving delivery of lessons. The market also has millions of apps with billions of downloads on Apple alone. Apps are crucial for businesses, employees, parents and students. With the right apps, students may learn better and enjoy the process of

woman reading a book to her classmate

How to Cite Sources Online: A Short Guide for Students

Citing sources is important in all academic writing. It applies to research papers, essays, dissertations and presentations. You can paraphrase a journal, book, or webpage. After quoting any source, you must credit the original author through citation. Failure to cite sources properly is considered plagiarism because it would appear you were presenting another person’s work

writing on a notebook

How Digital Notes Have Changed the Way We Study

For most of the past decade, education has been dominated by the discussion of how technology can improve students’ learning outcomes. This question is particularly important as we continue to fight a global pandemic that’s forced many of us to learn from home rather than in person. This has led to the very landscape of

student writing on her paper

Becoming an A+ Student: How to Improve Your College Grades

Grades are not the measure of a person. What’s more, they are not the sole measure of your academic accomplishment. Although they’re an imperfect reflection of how much knowledge you have, good grades are still relevant to helping you achieve success in life. So working hard to improve your grades is crucial. Table of Contents

Why Physical Activities Should be a Part of Academics?

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It helps keep the body healthy and strong, and it can also improve academic performance. There are many reasons why physical activity should be a part of academics. But before getting into that, let’s understand how schools can make physical activities a part of academics.

A group of young children getting on the schoolbus

Finding the Right School for Your Child

It is no secret that the right school can make all the difference in a child’s education. But with so many schools to choose from, how do you know which one is right for your child? And once you have selected a school, how do you help your child succeed there? This article provides some

Pencil on a blank notebook

Papers Writing Help: 7 Questions to Ask A Professional

So you’ve reached the best paper writing agency and pre-ordered your essay. The support department answered your questions. Further, the assigned specialist got in touch with you and started writing the paper. You went through the details and now are waiting for a perfect essay. What could go wrong? Many things if you didn’t ask

children at school

Which Is Better For Your Child: A Private or Public School?

Many parents work hard to provide their children with the best possible education, believing that this will help them succeed in life. But what type of school should you choose? Private or public? The decision is often difficult and there are many factors to consider. To help you come to an informed decision, here are

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